Mudanzas Ceymar, our trajectory
Mudanzas Ceymar, was born around 1985 founded by D. Marcos del Cerro Ramos Self-employed professional dedicated from his entire professional career to the service of freight transport by road.
From its beginnings and given the demand for furniture manufacturing in the province of Toledo, it focused on transporting companies (furniture factories) with deliveries throughout Spain to stores and little by little, at the same time, some removals were carried out between weekends like this until 1993, a key date in the construction of an industrial warehouse used today as storage and merchandise storage. At the beginning, the warehouse was only used as a place to store the trucks and later as a furniture warehouse that different manufacturers from all over Spain delivered to us weekly to distribute to stores.
Around the year 1996, Marcos’ 2 sons began to work in the company, given that there was a demand for removals from our clients and assessing how laborious it was to carry out removals in homes (flats) that did not have elevators, we decided to buy a removable furniture assembly crane that we currently use since that date (thus expanding existing modern mechanisms on the market) since every day there was more demand
Around the year 2000, the fleet was expanded by buying another vehicle, since there was a demand for transport and removals and, in turn, there were many requests from customers who requested the furniture storage service, deciding to make the merchandise warehouse compatible with individual storage spaces. customer removals.
Until approximately 2007, the company was 90% focused on the transport of furniture from factories to stores, with the arrival of the brick crisis, we began to suffer in our own flesh the drop in work by 70% given that many companies with The ones we worked with began to lay off employees and others to close business, dedicating ourselves 100% fully to home removals, offices and furniture storage, creating a large network of collaborators to operate throughout Spain. This idea came to us given that many clients asked us for budgets for the transport of small loads nationwide, and the most effective way to close business was to collaborate with companies on a groupage or combined services basis on a weekly basis, thus meeting the needs of our customers. customers and competing with prices acceptable to our customers.
Towards 2009, still years of crisis and that today 2016 still exists, we began to introduce ourselves in services other than removals in parallel, such as (international removals by sea, piano transfers, safes, car transport and motorcycles…) all of this collaborating with subcontracted companies that to date have successfully responded to all of our contracts and we can call ourselves a leading company in the transport sector and its derivative services, thanks to being able to have and provide coverage that not all companies can provide to their customers. In fact, many collaborating moving companies hire us for many services that they have available to us and our purpose is THE QUALITY SERVICE OFFERED TO OUR CLIENTS, thus fulfilling their business expectations.
We have always realized one very important thing. The best advertising is word of mouth. We know that nowadays life has advanced by leaps and bounds and the transition to the era of new technologies is essential for any business. For them, since 2009 we have been involved in new technologies, contracting the services for the creation of our website www.mudanzasceymar.es, contacting and informing our clients and suppliers by email, using WhatsApp with our clients, using social networks as an information mechanism. and computerizing the company.
The new technologies have given us a lot in terms of meeting new collaborators, new clients, learning various things in life that were not known before and it was and is an advance for our company. The client who knows us and knows how we work, hires us again if they need future work, but the Internet opens borders for new clients and new projects, in short, to satisfy the needs that each client can request and get new clients.
Currently, our company offers its clients all the services derived from the transport of goods and professional removals, since our work and collaboration with third-party companies of high prestige in the last 5 years has allowed us to be a national reference in transport. .